Monday, October 24, 2011

Look For More Troubles

Be thankful for the troubles of your job.  They provide about half your income.  Because if it were not for the things that go wrong, the difficult people you have to deal with, and the problems and unpleasantness of your working day, someone could be found to handle your job for half of what you are being paid.

It takes intelligence, resourcefulness, patience, tact and courage to meet the troubles of any job.  That is why you hold your present job.  And it may be the reason you aren’t holding down and even bigger one.

If all of us would start to look for more troubles, and learn to handle them cheerfully and with good judgment, as opportunities rather than irritations, we would find ourselves getting ahead at a surprising rate.  For it is a fact that there are plenty of big jobs waiting for men and women who aren’t afraid of the troubles connected with them. 

~Robert Updegraff

1 comment:

  1. I read this 35 years ago when I had a particularly difficult day at my advertising job. It not only got me through the day...but I have remembered it (especially the first line) over the last few decades.
    This, along with the Bill Gates speech to his Alma mater, is something every graduate should read, print and hang in their office/work area/truck/locker --- and read every few weeks (more, if needed!). It will make for a happier, satisfied and contented workforce.
